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BAS lodgement

A Business Activity Statement (BAS) is the single form that you fill in and return to the ATO to report your tax obligations. These include:

A company can fill out different forms depending on what taxation liabilities it has (these are referred to as roles). Roles are reported at different time intervals depending upon the size and scale of the business. While some roles such as GST can be reported annually, some entities may be required to report PAYG Withholding liabilities or GST on a monthly basis. Most small businesses choose to submit reports quarterly, but you can also lodge them on a monthly basis if that suits you better.

At Roslyn Little, I provide BAS preparation and lodgment services, either as an individual service or as part of a service package. Depending upon the complexity of your business, I will work out the fee and give you an idea of the expenses involved in advance.

To begin with, I’ll go over your expenses and transactions for the period for which you’re lodging the BAS and prepare a draft summary for you to take a look at. I’ll then undertake a detailed analysis ensuring all GST input credits are recorded before preparing the final Business Activity Statement. The statement is re-reviewed again by me team to ensure absolute accuracy.

Roslyn Little is happy to lodge your BAS form on your behalf.